Uniform Policy Handbook
Dickson Uniform Policy Handbook Excerpt

Dickson Uniform Policy Handbook Excerpt
All students will be required to wear school uniforms to promote and enhance the goals and objectives of Dickson Prep STEAM Academy. Our uniform policy aims to provide an environment where the focus is on learning, and the distractions of dress are kept to a minimum. All students are expected to be appropriately dressed in the school uniform daily. All parents and guardians are expected to support their children by ensuring that students are properly dressed when they leave for school each morning. Students must adhere to this policy throughout the school day and during all school activities, including before and after school activities. Parents and guardians will be notified in advance of any exceptions to this rule. Students are expected to dress in a way that does not disrupt the educational process or endanger the health and safety of themselves or others. Students are responsible for following guidelines for dressing and grooming in a manner that shows cleanliness, promotes safety, and demonstrates respect for themselves and others. Below is an excerpt from the 2023-2024 Dickson Prep STEAM Academy Handbook that outlines the school dress code. We are opening up the color scheme to offer families more purchasing options.
Acceptable Clothing
The following is a list of clothing that is not intended to be exhaustive:
Shirts: All shirts must have a collar. Students may wear a polo-style knit shirt with a collar, button-down oxford shirt, and/or long or short sleeves. Shirts must be a solid color with no visible design. Any shirt worn under a uniform shirt must be a solid color with no visible design.
Pants: Pants must be solid navy blue, black, or khaki. Pants should be dress slacks (Dockers style, for example). Pants that expose underwear, undergarments, midriff, or skin are not permitted-no ripped garments with exposed skin. See-through, tight, and form-fitting pants are prohibited—no yoga or spandex. No denim of any kind.
Shorts, Skirts, or Skorts: Solid navy blue, black, or khaki, knee length or longer. The hem of shorts, skirts, and/or skorts shall not be shorter than fingertip length above the knee. Shorts, skirts, and/or skorts that expose underwear, undergarments, midriff, or skin are not permitted-no ripped garments with exposed skin. No denim of any kind.
Polo collared style dresses may be worn so long as they are fingertip length. Please be advised that many manufacturers do not produce Polo dresses that are fingertip length. Therefore, please ensure that the dress meets the length requirement.
T-Shirts: *Woodland Hills T-shirts may only be worn for special events or at the administration's discretion. Dickson apparel may be worn every Friday unless otherwise noted by the administration.
Sweaters: Sweaters, sweatshirts, fleece jackets, or cardigans may be worn with a collared shirt underneath so long as they are solid colors with no visible design. No sweaters with hoods are permitted.
Headwear: No hats, headbands, bandanas, sweatbands, doo rags, scarves, or any item the school administration deems to impede instruction.
Tights and Socks: Tights, leggings, and knee socks may be worn under skirts. Tights, leggings, and knee socks should be navy, light blue, gray, black, or white. Patterned tights, knee socks, or leggings are not permitted.
Outdoor clothing or Outerwear: Outdoor clothing or outerwear such as coats, jackets, hats, gloves, masks, or scarves should not be worn in the building.
Footwear: All students shall wear footwear. Students may wear croc style footwear provided that the heel is covered and that they don't interfere with the safety and welfare of the student. No split-toe sandals, flip-flops, or open-heel/toe footwear may be worn. Slippers and slides are not permitted under any circumstances.
Jewelry or Accessories: Sunglasses, belts, bracelets, or necklaces with metal spikes, chains, or dog collars may not be worn in school. Jewelry and accessories should be minimal. Jewelry may be worn if it does not distract other students or the learning environment.
Anything else the administration deems as a detriment to the educational atmosphere at Dickson Preparatory STEAM Academy, the student may be required to change or remove, and disciplinary action may result.
Daily uniform checks will be conducted.
No flip-flops, split-toe sandals, slippers, slides, or open-heel/toe footwear exist.
Pants must be worn at the waist.
There are no bottoms that expose underwear, undergarments, or midriff (the front of the body between the chest and the waist).
There are no ripped garments with exposed skin.
No tops expose the midriff (the front of the body between the chest and the waist), upper chest, or shoulders.
No coats, hoods, hats, headbands, bandanas, do-rags, or head coverings may be worn in the classrooms.
Sweaters, sweatshirts, fleece jackets, or cardigans may be worn with a collared shirt underneath so long as they are solid colors with no visible design. No sweaters with hoods are permitted.
Clothes must be in good repair, clean, and without writing or markings.
No clothing or jewelry that features illegal paraphernalia, weapons, profanity, or remarks that are obscene and offensive or imply unsafe behavior.
Uniform basics
- Tops
Collared shirts (short or long-sleeved)
Sweatshirts, fleece jackets, or cardigans without a hood may be worn with a collared shirt underneath.
Tops must be a solid color with no visible design.
Dress in slacks and docker style bottoms (no jeans, leggings, or sweatpants)
Skirts, polo dresses, shorts, or skorts (fingertip length)
See-through, tight, and form-fitting pants are prohibited—no yoga or spandex.
Bottoms must be solid navy blue, khaki, and black.