Four VEX IQ Robotics Competition Teams Qualify For States

Woodland Hills hosted the final VEX IQ Competition of the regular season in Western Pennsylvania on Friday, February 21. With two teams already qualified for states, a third Woodland Hills team used the tournament to earn their spot, while a fourth has also just learned that they've qualified.

Three Woodland Hills teams earned judges awards at the competition.

Elementary Team 15104 B "IQ Pandas" won the Excellence Award, which is presented to a team that exemplifies a high-quality competitive robotics program and ethos of the REC Foundation. The Excellence Award recognizes a team's ability to document and explain their Engineering Design Process via an Engineering Notebook and Team Interview. By earning the award, the team also demonstrated outstanding competition performance by being among the top performing teams at the event. The award stipulates that the team is a strong contender in numerous award categories and exemplifies dedication, devotion, hard work and teamwork, and that this team is committed to quality in everything they do. This is the top award that is given at a competition. 

By receiving the award, the "IQ Pandas" earned a bid to the VIQRC Western PA State Championship on March 4.

Team IQ Pandas

Two other Woodland Hills teams won awards at the competition on Friday. Middle School Team 15104J "Pretty Pink Princesses" won the Innovate Award. This award is presented to a team that develops and documents a unique or uncommon aspect in their team's design or gameplay strategy. This team self-identified this aspect for Judges, and has documented this aspect in their Engineering Notebook. The team has utilized independent inquiry to explore and develop this aspect from its initial conception through its current implementation.

Team Pretty Pink Princesses

Finally, Elementary School Team 15104A "Robotic Turtles" won the Design Award. This is the 2nd time this season team 15104A has won this award!  It is presented to a team that demonstrates the most organized and professional approach to the design process, project and time management, and team organization. This team's Engineering Notebook provides clear and complete documentation of the team's robot design process and the development of their game strategy. The winning team also demonstrates effective communication skills and teamwork.

Team Robotic Turtles

Elementary Teams "Robotic Turtles" and "IQ Pandas" will represent Woodland Hills at the state competition along with Middle School Teams 15104C "Hardwired" and 15104J "Pretty Pink Princesses." The Pretty Pink Princesses learned they had qualified thanks to a spot opening up through other teams double-qualifying at recent events.

The IQ Pandas include students Julian Ault, Emmett Brubaker, Tate Norman, and Parker Yatsko. The Robotic Turtles include students Alex Estep, Emma Gensure, Spencer Morse, Kyra Scott, Stella Wheaton, and Piper Yoder. Hardwired includes students Kamran Carreiro, Rayhan Carreiro, Jonas Divelbiss, Wasim Matiq, and Sam Pittler. Team Pretty Pink Princesses includes students Colette Ciocco, Bella Colagouri, Adalyn Matthews, and Katelyn Pittler.

Congratulations to all of the teams! This year's VIQRC Western Pennsylvania State Championship will take place on March 4.