Virtual Instruction Day - Monday, September 9

Good Morning Again Wolverine Families!

First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your patience and flexibility as we figure out the logistics of this unexpected virtual instruction day. We are so extremely grateful that our educators, administrators, and staff have worked diligently to ensure that nearly all students in grade 6 through 12 have their Chromebooks.

We recognize that there are several students, especially in grades PK-5, without devices, and we are committed to ensuring that every scholar is able to receive instruction today, and be given credit for attending virtually. Any parent who is able to go to their child's school to pick up their device should feel welcome to do so. Principals, and other staff members, will be available to hand out devices throughout the day.

For those students and families who do not have a device, and who are unable to pick up a device today, each educator and/or grade level is sending out instructions for ways in which students can engage in learning today and be counted for attendance.

Also, all scheduled evening activities and practices are still on for tonight. Again, all evening activities and practices are still on for tonight.

Thank you again for your support and your patience!

WHSD Administration